The majority of RSR Bearings, (ตลับลูกปืน LM Guide RSR, which is the term in Thai) manufacturers supply a substantial quantity of scientific bearing data and methods. If you’re anything like me, you don’t have the inclination, patience, or time to go through all of this data. Cost efficiency is undermined by the regular need to contract out bearing repair, but you are still interested in lowering the operating costs of your tree stump grinder.
The Cost Of Bearings Upkeep
Replacement bearings, which account for a sizable amount of entire machine upkeep expenses, cost more than £100 apiece. This manual is intended for individuals who want to save costs by extending their bearing life. On stump grinders, a lack of clean lubrication maintenance is the primary cause of bearing failure or early bearing wear.
After each day of stump grinding, take into consideration employing a pneumatic grease distributor powered by an air compressor with a grease top-up in the field using a traditional hand-held grease pump. Use a lot of lubricants, although it is far less expensive than replacing bearings. When re-greasing bearings, carefully remove any contaminated grease until fresh grease begins to ooze out of the bearing. The EP-2 grease must have a high melting point. Because EP-2 complex grease is heavy-duty grease, use one that is molybdenum disulfide (moly) enhanced.
Maximizing The Life Of The Bearing
To maximize the bearing life of lubricants, there are three guidelines to follow:
- Regularly re-grease
- Apply the appropriate grease correctly, which should be the right amount
- choose the appropriate grease
Wrongly Adjusted Bearings
Inadequate or inaccurate bearing adjustment is a second frequent factor in the early wear of bearings on stump grinders. On stump grinders nowadays, it is difficult to get to the bearings for adjustment. The key was shaped into a punch with a straight angle by removing extra material using a bench grinder. Please remember to regularly dip your key underwater if you feel comfortable doing so. Make sure it doesn’t become blue.
To Conclude
Many people might think this is a little beyond their experience. For this reason, try to focus on the most significant aspects possible while avoiding technicalities as often as you can. You might not be familiar with the bearing access arrangements on all stump grinder models. However, you simply cannot overstate how crucial it is to solve a bearing access issue with a little effort and tenacity. You’ll get a financial break.